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Brow Lift

The ageing process is inevitable, however, sometimes we feel that we have aged prematurely due to our genetic make-up or environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking and weight loss.  As we grow older into our middle age the forehead can appear more wrinkled and lined often with deeper horizontal creases and lines between the eyes. The folds of skin in the eyelids appear more noticeable often with a hooded appearance over the eyes and the eyebrows can appear too low, giving a ‘closed eye’ look.

The purpose of a Brow Lift is to rejuvenate the brow and upper eye area, smoothing out deep lines and wrinkles and lifting the eyebrows to give a more youthful fresh look.  This procedure is often performed in conjunction with Lower eye Surgery. The two procedures together will give you an amazing facial rejuvenation.

What is involved in the procedure?

Once you have decided to go ahead with surgery, you will decide on a date that is suitable for you.  You will generally need to stay in hospital for 1 night following surgery to ensure you feel well and rested after the surgery and general anaesthetic.  The brow lift procedure will usually take around 1 hour, using endoscopic (key hole) surgery. Very small incisions are made within the scalp. The hair is gelled back and parted to allow visible access.  The brow tissues are then lifted and re-positioned higher, carefully avoiding a startled frozen look. The brow is then stitched in place with dissolvable stitches.

Time to Recover

During the first week of recovery you will need plenty of rest and limited movement to allow your brow to heal.  For the initial couple of days following surgery rest with your head slightly elevated and apply cool soothing compresses to reduce further swelling.  You will probably need to take two weeks off from your normal work. After one week you will return to hospital to check all your stitches have dissolved.  Post surgery you will need to take it easy for 4 weeks. After this time you can expect to return to your normal life, including exercise.  

Brow lifts will give you a more youthful appearance, smoothing out your forehead, positioning your eyebrows in a slightly higher position and rejuvenating your eyes, giving you an overall more youthful appearance to the upper third of your face.  The results will refresh your facial appearance increasing your confidence and overall well being. 

Available at HMT Sancta Maria, Spire Cardiff Hospital, Nuffield Health and BMI Werndale

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