Eye Surgery
The aging process is inevitable, however, sometimes we feel that we have aged prematurely due to our genetic make-up or environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking and weight loss. As we grow older into our middle age the eyes can appear more wrinkled and lined often with pockets of fat underneath the eye, making them look puffy and tired. The folds of skin in the eyelids often appear more noticeable as we get older, often with a hooded appearance over the eyes. Eye surgery will open up the eyes promoting an instantly more youthful, fresh appearance. You can have upper, lower or both parts of the eye surgically enhanced. Mr Ghattaura will discuss in detail the different options available, and which types of surgery will give you the best result, ultimately restoring your natural beauty and inner self confidence. Often patients considering eye surgery also discuss brow lifts and face lift options and have the surgery at the same time. Patients would not usually consider this type of surgery until they reach their 50’s, Mr Ghattaura will advice you on whether or not you are a suitable candidate for surgery, or whether non-invasive treatments would be more appropriate for your age.
What is involved in the procedure?
Once you have decided to go ahead with surgery, you will decide on a date that is suitable for you. You will generally need to stay in hospital for 1 night following surgery to ensure you feel well and rested after the surgery and general anaesthetic. The procedure will depend on the type of surgery you have, this will all be discussed and agreed prior to surgery.
Eye surgery usually requires a general anaesthetic, but is now often done under a local anaesthetic, Mr Ghattaura will discuss the different options with you.
Upper Eye Surgery is a relatively simple procedure, whereby the excess skin is removed on the eyelid by making an incision along the margin (crease) of the eyelid. Excess fat is removed along with the sagging skin and muscle. The wound is closed with fine stitches, and the scarring is virtually invisible following surgery.
Lower Eye Surgery involves removing the pockets of fat or malar bags (fluid filled) underneath the eye. The procedure is called Transconjunctival blepharoplasty, whereby an incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelid. There is no visible scar following surgery, and the recovery is very quick.
Time to Recover
During the first week of recovery you will need plenty of rest and limited movement to allow your eyes to heal. For the initial couple of days following surgery rest with your head slightly elevated and apply cool soothing compresses to reduce further swelling. Eyes may feel quite dry, so eye ointment could be applied to aid restful sleep. You will experience mild swelling and bruising and will need to avoid make up for the first week. You will probably need to take two weeks off from your normal work. After one week you will return to hospital to have your stiches removed. Post surgery you will need to take it easy for 4 weeks. After this time you can expect to return to your normal life, including exercise.
Eye surgery is the ultimate treatment to re-juvinate and open up your eyes. The results will refresh your facial appearance increasing your confidence and overall well being.
Available at HMT Sancta Maria, Spire Cardiff Hospital, Nuffield Health and BMI Werndale