Breast Uplift
Breast Uplift, also called a Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that lifts your breasts back up to where they once were. The ageing process, pregnancy or weight-gain/weight-loss can all cause the breast tissue to lose elasticity, volume and shape. Often women do not want larger breasts, but would like to improve the shape and position of their breasts and nipples. However, this procedure can be performed alongside a breast enlargement procedure if you desire a fuller shape.
What is involved in the procedure?
Once you have decided to go ahead with surgery, we will arrange a date that is suitable for you.
During the operation, the excess skin will be removed, usually by making an incision around the nipple with an extension of this scar between the lower part of the nipple and the lower breast fold. Finally, there is likely to be a scar within the lower breast fold. Occasionally, the surgery can be performed through a scar around the nipple and lower breast fold only. The nipple and remaining breast tissue is then re-shaped, placing the nipple higher on the breast.
Your procedure will take around 2-3 hours usually, and you will have a general anaesthetic, so you will sleep throughout the entire operation. Dressings will be applied once the surgery is finished, and you will need to wear a supportive sports style bra for 6 weeks afterwards. You will generally need to stay in hospital for 1 night following surgery to ensure you feel well and rested after the surgery.
Time to Recover
During the first week of recovery you will need plenty of bed rest and limited movement to allow your body to heal. You will probably need to take two weeks off from your normal work or busy routine. After one week you will return to hospital to have your stiches removed. Post surgery you will need to take it easy for 4 to 6 weeks. After this time you can expect to return to your normal life, including light exercise.
Breast uplift surgery is extremely popular and successful. It will improve the shape of the breast and re-position the nipple to give a more youthful appearance. It will no doubt be more comfortable for you too.
Available at HMT Sancta Maria, Spire Cardiff Hospital, Nuffield Health and BMI Werndale