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Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, also referred to as Augmentation Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to create more volume in your breasts and improve shape. Reasons for choosing to have breast implants vary, but in general, this procedure is suitable for women who have naturally small breasts, or where there has been a loss of volume either with pregnancy or weight loss.

An implant is inserted either behind, or in front of your muscle to increase breast volume.  You can choose either a teardrop or round implant, depending on the look you desire and also your body type.  The size and shape of your new implants is a very personal choice, however, throughout the consultation process. Mr Ghattaura will advise you on the best implant size personally suited to your height and weight. During your consultation, you can try various different implant sizes and shapes, and choose the right one for you.  It will be completely unique to you, what suited your friend may not necessarily be the right choice for you.


What is involved in the procedure?

Once you have decided to go ahead with surgery, we will arrange an operation date suitable for you.  You will generally need to stay in hospital for 1 night following surgery, to ensure that you feel well rested and pain free before you go home. The procedure itself requires a small incision under the breast fold, through which a pocket is made, either behind the muscle, or below the breast tissue.  This allows a space for the implant to be inserted into position.  Your operation is performed under general anaesthetic, so you will sleep throughout the entire operation and normally takes just over 1 hour.  Dressings will be applied once the surgery is finished and you will need to wear a soft supportive front fastening sports style bra for 6 weeks afterwards. 


Time to Recover

During the first week of recovery you will need plenty of rest and limited movement to allow your body to heal.  You will probably need to take 1-2 weeks off from your normal work, or busy routine.  After one week, you will return to the hospital to have your dressings removed, but you will need to take it easy for 4-6 weeks in total.  After this time, you can expect to return to your normal life, including exercise. 

Breast enlargement is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the UK.  This surgery  can dramatically change your body shape, balancing your hips and emphasizing your waist, ultimately giving you the confidence in your body you so desire.

Available at HMT Sancta Maria, Spire Cardiff Hospital, Nuffield Health and BMI Werndale

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